Thursday, March 17, 2016

MAAB409 A : Final Review Reminder

For all of you taking Final Review this quarter,

Please remember that Final Review material is due to be posted onto the Final Review Blog spot by Thursday, March 17th 2016, by 11:59pm. After this time, review material will not be taken (the password for the blog will be changed).

Material expected within the blog should be the following:

- Artist Statement
- Resume
- Degree Audit
- Rubric assessment
(filled out by you, including deliverable section, general section, and your focus only)
- General section (12 to 15 pieces representing your work throughout the quarters)
- Focus Section (Representing your work meant for portfolio use and your focus; amount of pieces are dictated by your specific field of study/stipulations found in your syllabus. State your focus clearly to know what it is we are grading you for.)

All sections must be clearly labeled within your post; If you are providing uploaded videos, please test to make sure they are running adequately (you can provide a link to a video source along with your uploaded material as backup). Also, If your discipline of focus does not have a spot for it in our current rubric, you must include this section and grade it for yourself, and you must also provide a sheet with this section included so that your reviewers can grade you accordingly.

Attached with this email is the Final Review Rubric in case it is not available to you (It is also on the MAA). Please contact me at if you have any questions, or come see me during office hours on Tuesday/Thursday in room 1006 at 2:30-4pm.

Again: Final Review material is due to be posted onto the Final Review Blog spot by Thursday, March 17th 2016, by 11:59pm.

-Prof H

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